Mantra lyrics:
„Om Ah Hung Benza Guru Pema Siddhi Hung.”
Translation in English:
„Blessings of the Diamond Master born from lotus”.
Guru Padmasambhava played a crucial role in establishing Buddhism in magical Tibet, where he is venerated and adored as a second Buddha, especially by the Nyingmapa Tibetan school.
Padmasambhava used his magical powers to overcome the demons of Tibet in order to allow Buddhism to spread there. In Tibet, he is also referred to as Vajra Guru, or the Precious Teacher. Furthermore, Guru Rinpoche is called Pema Jungne or Padmakara, and many other different names.
This Buddhist mantra is also known as the Vajra Guru mantra.
Originally it was concealed during the time Padmasambhava was living and teaching in Tibet and later re-discovered by the esteemed terton Karma Lingpa in the 14th century, who wrote it on sheets of golden paper.
Guru Rinpoche Mantra meaning on syllable:
- OM AH HUNG clean obscurations which arise from the 3 mental poisons: attachment or desire, ignorance, and aversion;
- BENZA clean obscurations, which arise from anger;
- GURU clean obscurations, which arise from pride;
- PEMA clean obscurations, which arise from desire/attachment;
- SIDDHI clean obscurations, which arise from envy/jealousy;
- HUNG in a general method to clean obscurations, which arise from all negative emotional afflictions.
In ancient Sanskrit, the words vajra, padma, guru, and siddhi literally translates respectively as: diamond or thunderbolt; lotus, and success; teacher or accomplishment.
Chanting this mantra benefits:
It is said that the Vajra Guru mantra – Om Ah Hum Benza Guru Padma Siddhi Hung carry the entire blessing of the 12 categories of teaching taught by Shakyamuni Buddha, which is the core of His Eighty-four Thousand Dharmas.
Thus, to recite this soothing mantra once is equivalent to the blessing of chanting, listening or practicing the whole teaching of the Shakyamuni Buddha.
More importantly, the wisdom mind and knowledge of Guru Padmasambhava is embodied in the form of the mantra; these 12 syllables are actually the effluence of His wisdom mind, and they are endowed with His entire blessing.
The twelve syllables mantra is Padmasambhava in the form of sound.
So when you invoke Guru Padmasambhava with the chanting of the 12 syllables, the blessing and merit you obtain is exceptional.
In these difficult times, just as there is no Buddha or refuge we can call upon who is more forceful than Padmasambhava, so there is no chant that is more fitting than the Vajra Guru Mantra.” – Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche’s quote.
According with some sacred texts, Guru Rinpoche made a commitment to physically visit any practitioner who chanted (mentally or aloud) this powerful mantra every 10th day of the waxing moon. Moreover, whether you can see Guru Rinpoche or not depends on your level of obscuration.