Hari Om Shiva Om Mantra Meaning – Mantra of Cosmic Vibration

Hindu Mantras

Lyrics in Sanskrit:

„Hari Om Shiva Om

Shiva Om Hari Om.”

Hari Om Shiva Om Mantra translation in English:

Hari is another name of Lord Vishnu. This mantra can also be translated as The Remover of ego. It is the Universal mantra of cosmic vibration.

He is the Sustainer or Preserver of life with his steadfast principles of righteousness, order, and truth. When these values are under threat, Lord Vishnu emerges out of His transcendence to restore order and peace on earth.

Lord Vishnu’s devotees, commonly called Vaishnava, consider Vishnu the greatest god. They regard the other gods as lesser or demi-gods. He is usually portrayed as reclining on a Sheshanaga – the coiled, many-headed snake floating on cosmic waters that signify the soothing and peaceful Universe.

Two of Lord Vishnu’s incarnations, Lord Krishna and Lord Rama, are also the subject of the epic stories Mahabharata and Ramayana, respectively.

The vehicle of Lord Vishnu is the Garuda eagle, the king of the birds. Empowered with the speed and courage to spread the knowledge and wisdom of the Vedas, Garuda is an assurance of fearlessness at the time of sufferings and calamity.

Mantra meaning:

  • Hari means the remover.
  • Om is a sacred spiritual syllable, which can be found before and during the recitation of many Sanskrit mantra;
  • Shiva or The Auspicious One is one of the five primordial forms of God.

Lord Shiva is the destroyer of the world, following Brahma the creator and Lord Vishnu. Lord Shiva is the god of the yogis, celibate and self-controlled, while at the same time a lover of his spouse (shakti).

Lord Shiva was originally known as Rudra, a minor deity in Hindu pantheon, addressed only 3 times in the Rig Veda. Shiva gained importance after absorbing some of the aspects of an earlier fertility god and became Lord Shiva and is part of the Trimurti, or trinity, with Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu.

Lord Shiva’s female consort and wife is Goddess Parvati; because of his reverence and generosity towards Goddess Parvati, Lord Shiva is viewed an ideal role model for a husband. The divine couple together, Shiva and Parvati, with their sons – the six-headed Skanda and the elephant headed Shiva – reside on Mount Kailash in the Himalayas.

Shiva is the most important Hindu god for the Shaivism sect, the protector of the Vedas and the sacred holy texts.

Saivism, or Shaivism, is one of the most beloved Hindu cults. Shaivism embraces many theological-spiritual practices, although all scholars agree on 3 principles: God or pati; individual soul or pasu and pasa or bonds that confine the soul to earthly existence.

Lord Shiva has many forms, which are visible in his Panchavaktra form with five heads, a combination of all Lord Shiva energies : Ishana (most often appears as the shivalingam), Aghora (resides in the cremation grounds), Varna Deva (the eternal Shiva) Tat Purusha (meditating) and Saddyojat or Braddha Rudra (the old wrathful form). The last form, also forms the connection to the Rudraksha mala – a rosary made of the dried fruits of the Rudraksha tree.

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