Benefits of Chanting Om Namah Shivaya Mantra

Hindu Mantras

This pacifying mantra goes back literally thousands of years and is the most important form of devotion to the Shaivism sect of Hinduism.

Shiva is the supreme reality, the inner self; the name given to consciousness that resides within our own selves. Shiva ultimately represents consciousness, the true reality, your inner self, your true identity.

A reflection of sincere devotion, respect, and faith for the divine to which we are all connected to and from which we came.

Om Namah Shivaya translation:

„Salutations to Shiva.”

Om Namah Shivaya meaning:

This mantra is a love song, to ourselves, to our higher self. A love song we sing to our own deepest true nature. In this mantra, we recognize that we are the true source, like a hologram, a piece of God that also represents the whole creation.

  • Om – before there was a universe, there was a vibration-less void of pure existence. Out of this void came the vibration which created the universe, which is recognized as Om (or Aum).
  • Namah – this literally translate to bow.
  • Shivaya – this means, of course, Shiva; but more than that, it means the inner self.

„Namaḥ Sivaya is the most sacred name of God Siva, recorded at the very center of the Vedas and elaborated in the Saiva Agamas. Na is the Lord’s concealing grace, Ma is the creation, Si stands for Siva, Va is His revealing grace, Ya is the soul.

The 5 elements, too, are embodied in this ancient sacred formula for invocation or prayer. Na is earth, Ma is water, Si is fire, Va is air, and Ya is ether, or Akasa.” – Satguru Subramuniyaswamis quote.

Chanting benefits:

108 times chanting of this mantra, helps you to inquire deep within, taking you to meditativeness, a sublime journey to your inner being.

It’s said that regular practice of this healing mantra will bring you very close to the divine inner nature within all of us. Sages consider that the chanting of these syllables is sound therapy for the body and nectar for the Atman (soul).

This healing mantra can be chanted by anyone, anywhere and at anytime for it is truly a mantra of purification and manifestation.

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See another mantra:  Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Meaning – Mukti Mantra
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